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Earth Is An Electromagnetic Dimensional Realm. Reality is the result of the collective consciousness awareness that resides within its own system.


We see to the edge. The vanishing point in a full 360° circle, horizontally and vertically from the centre of the pineal gland (centre of the universe ). This being your consciousness awareness within a space of perceived time (true earth size). You cannot fall off the edge because you cannot reach the edge as your vanishing point always progresses forward with you. ("Consciousness Awareness Within A Space Of Perceived Time" ). The ship on the horizon simply passes your vanishing point, the same as the sun.


Reality only exists within the mind of the conscious observer that's observing it. However ALL of reality is that of the conscious observer from the largest creatures on earth to the smallest bacteria. Each molecule is consciously aware of itself. Therefore it too has a sense of its environment within its own vanishing point of awareness. The very fabric of reality is that of consciousness. Which just so happens to produce electromagnetic energy which is governed into its state through frequency. Everything we experience is the result of electromagnetic frequencies which we perceive to be that of reality, which however is nothing more than electrical impulses within the mind of the conscious observer that's observing it.


Every motion, emotion, intention, feeling etc. etc. all begins with an electrical current which runs right through you. Think about it. If someone frightens you, the very first thing you feel is an electromagnetic current. It's the same with everything else. The creator is that of consciousness. Consciousness creates electromagnetic energy which in turn creates the very fabric of our reality right down to the very last molecule. For every molecule is consciously aware of itself.


What they found in Antarctica was a blank canvas as there has had never been a conscious observer residing there until the 1940s. The only conscious observer there was the elements of creation. Hence the rich mineral landscape. A brand new earth. Now that there's been conscious observers residing there since the 1940's, the ice has receded revealing a very rich mineral crystal structured landscape which in turn when exposed to the elements will begin to form algae and vegetation which in turn creates new life. As consciousness awareness expands the earth expands with it. And the sun will simply take a wider path to cater for it. Think of this in your mind. The sun = positive, the moon = negative, your vanishing point, you bang in the centre = ground. Now think of the so called 'atom' supposedly 99.9999999% empty space, the mind, 99.9999999% empty space. Until a thought or an emotion, an intention, etc. etc.  then a huge array of electromagnetic frequencies that we receive and transmit as our perceived reality.


Do you see? We don't actually exist as such. We are one consciousness (Oneness) simply having a physical experience within the mind of the conscious observer (god if you like). I think therefore I am (((((((O)))))))). It's better to be something than nothing but a thought. Hence the physical. How many times have you had a dream that you could have sworn was real because you could hear, smell, taste, touch, feel etc. All seamed very real until you awake and think to yourself, 'fuck me, it was just a dream!'


What is reality?.... Nothing but a thought (electrical frequencies ) within the mind of the conscious observer that is observing it right down to the very last molecule. Creation is Infinite, it is Inevitable, it is Absolutely Flawlessly Perfect in every way possible. And yet it is Absolute Lunacy Of The Highest Degree Of Pure Insanity. Why? Because consciousness just wants to be and the only way it can be and ultimately experience and express itself is to stay within physical realms. Can you imagine the torment of being aware of yourself and not being able to do anything? You are a fractal of that consciousness. Each other consciousness is also a fractal of that consciousness. You are simply having a physical experience within the mind of the conscious observer. Even when you look at yourself it's all just electrical impulses within the mind of the conscious observer. Everything is energy and that energy is electromagnetic in nature. It is simply the resonance of the collective consciousness that resides within its own awareness of itself.  The whole meaning of life is to just simply experience it. One consciousness expanding, exploring, experiencing and expressing itself within infinite proportions of infinite possibilities within each little fractal of reality of consciousness awareness.


Your consciousness energy at one time was simply just that. Energy without physical form until your frequency was matched through the electromagnetic harmonic vibratory resonant frequency that your parents emitted at the point of inception (all energy is governed by its own resonant electrical frequency). You exist simply because you CANNOT NOT exist. When you die your consciousness energy simply falls back into the electromagnetic field of consciousness energy until your frequency is matched once again.


Just one other thing to point out. Water has memory which in turn can only lead it to being of consciousness therefore it is also aware. Hence the original conscious bubble. Think of an electromagnetic star in the sky being just one of those bubbles. Space being water. The firmament being dense water due to pressure from the creation of the bubble ( Consciousness Awareness ) as there is only water outside the bubble of awareness (nowhere to go, stationary, perfectly still) just the other bubbles rolling around each other due to electromagnetism (the stars). Your own mind is within its own little bubble.. If you could see the whole earth from outside of the bubble it would look just like a watery transparent twinkling electromagnetic little donut (a star) which are nothing more than other conscious realms of realities. Do you see? Water, molecule for molecule, each is consciously aware of itself. Bear in mind you are made up of approximately 80% water, the rest is carbon which is the result of electrical scoring. Crystal is able to store huge amounts of information and hold energy. Water being the original consciousness. Earth is a realm within it. Energy, consciousness, electromagnetic energy, dialectical energy. Frequency governs all energy into its state solid matter = electrical scoring = carbon. Vibration, all solid matter within the madness and stillness of mind.  The earth is all within your minds eye. Now do you see?

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